We aim to investigate the key regulators and signaling circuits involved in immune homeostasis and elucidate their action mechanisms to modulate physiological and pathological functions. T cells are essential components of the immune system and play a pivotal role in inflammation. By identifying and understanding the intricate signaling pathways within T cells, we seek to uncover specific molecules or circuits that regulate their function and contribute to the development of inflammatory disorders. This knowledge will pave the way for the development of novel therapeutics that target these regulators or circuits, potentially leading to effective treatments for various inflammatory disorders.The research will involve comprehensive analysis of T cell epigenome, transcriptome, and signaling networks, focusing on the identification and characterization of key regulators. Through cutting-edge techniques such as single cell epigenomic/transcriptomics, proteomics, and functional assays, we will map out the intricate signaling circuits within T cells. By perturbing these circuits and studying their effects on T cell function, we aim to decipher their action mechanisms and understand how they contribute to the physiopathological processes underlying inflammatory disorders. Ultimately, this research will provide valuable insights into novel therapeutic targets that can be exploited for the development of innovative interventions to modulate T cell function and mitigate the detrimental effects of inflammatory disorders.