Ho-Keun Kwon

HK is highly self-motivated immunologist with strong research background in translational research and therapeutic target discovery in the area of micro-immunobiology. 

Especially, HK has expertise not only in molecular (epigenetics etc.) but also in animal-based cellular-immunology (autoimmune diseases, tumor models etc.). 

The major research interest of mine is to understand how FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) maintain physiological homeostasis at the molecular and cellular level and eventually to develop therapeutic intervention targeting Tregs in various inflammatory contexts. Recently, HK is pretty much entertaining to scrutinize how immune system mutually communicates with Gut (microbiome) and Brain and its bidirectional impacts known as "Immune-Gut-Brain axis". 

HK carried out his dostoral training in the laboratory of Sin-Hyoeg Im and obtained his Ph.D in Immunology. HK was trained as postdoctoral fellow under the mentorship of Diane Mathis and Christophe Benoist and subsequently by Dr. Jun.R Huh at Harvard Medical School. HK joined the faculty of the Yonsei University College of Medicine in 2019